Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my website!

My name is Kerri Duplessis and I am the founder of Kerri's Holistic Healing! To give you a little background about myself, I am currently a School Support Worker working with children with all sorts of gifts!  It warms my heart to do this job, and I love it, but, when I was about 15, I got very sick myself.  I was to every doctor and specialist you could imagine and not one of them could figure out what was wrong with me.  My Dad decided one day, that he was going to take me to a Chiropractor, that was trained with Applied Kinesiology and see if he could find some answers.  Because of him, without medicine, and with a series of muscle testing appointments, we found the cause, and what to do to help me heal.  I decided then and there that this was something I wanted to be able to do for people...in all honesty, I was shocked and amazed at what he did to help my body heal.

I started then, taking courses, any course I could find, in Reflexology, Applied Kinesiology, and any other source of natural, holistic modalities I could get my hands on.  When I entered University, I started taking business, then left it to pursue a degree in Kinesiology hoping that one day, i would be able to teach Physical Education, or start a practice, with my degree, incorporating the other modalities of holistic healing I had learned.  When I came back from my third year, my husband and I decided we were going to get married.  I never did get back to finish my degree...:)

I used my accupressure, muscle testing, and reflexology as well as what I called 'pulling energy' on my family and friends to help them with anything from headaches, to stomach upset, menstrual cramps, backaches...pretty much anything you could thing of.  I could move separated or dislocated joints and help relieve bruising often with just touch.  That got me to wondering what more was out there for me. 

I went to school after I had my two children, starting on a social work degree in 2006.  While I was at University, we found that my son had Epilepsy.  I graduated with my CSSW certificate.  I devoted my time to helping him heal, as well as looking after my younger daughter that had a few health issues of her own.  On January 2, 2010, my husband, who had been working in a psychiatric unit at the hospital, came home with information about Body Talk from one of the nurses that worked there.  I almost fell off my seat as I looked through the information, and knew, that after 22 years, I had finally found something that could incorporate all modalities...including western medicine, and starting my learning right away!  I am now a certified Body Talk Practitioner, and am amazed at the results I see everyday from this modality!  I also found out what that 'pulling energy' thing was.  It was Reiki...so I studied the technicalities of it and became a Reiki Master as well!

I hope that all of you will take the time to continue reading about what each of the modalities does, and take some time to have a session or two to see what it can do not only for your physical health, but you emotional, mental, and spiritual well being as well!

In health!

Kerri Duplessis
Reiki Master